Belgian Jewels


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Breed Standard : 1892
General Aspects of the Race:

The Belgian Shepherd is an intelligent and rustique dog, adapted to outdoor life, built to withstand the wheather and seasonal changes which are characteristique for the Belgian climate.  As well as its innate skill at guarding flocks, it also possess the highly prized qualities of the best guard dog of property.  If needed, he is, without hesitation, a stubborn and fierce defender of his master.

The Belgian Shepherd is a watchful and active dog, constantly in motion.  He has the tendancy to move in circles rather than in a straight line.


Long and pointy muzzle


Cranial Region:

Large, rather flat than rounded

Stop: Moderate


Facial Region

Nose: Black

Eyes: Brown, give the dog an intelligent look

Ears: Triangular, stiff, well placed, upright and medium large


Cylindrique, slightly elongated



Topline:, horizontal, strong and of medium length

Chest: Little broad, but well let down like for all fast animals

Underline: moderately developped


strong at the base, of good length with certain particularities per variety.  At rest carried down, with curved backwards at the level of the hock; more raised when moving, although without passing the horizontal, the curve towards the tip becoming more accentuated, without ever at any time forming a hook or deviation.  Note: there are certain dogs that are born without tail and a partial tail.





Shoulder: Shoulder blade and oblique, forming a sufficient angle with the humerus



Buttock and thigh: well muscled

Leg: long

Feet: round, cat feet

Aplomb: regular



on average 55 cm.



Very variables, black, brown, brindled brown, grey, earth colors, etc.



Always abundant, close-fitting, forming an excellent protective cover.  The length, aspect and direction of the hairs vary greatly between the Belgian shepherd, it is the criterium for the distinction between the 3 varieties:


A - Long Hair:

Distinctive characteristics: Smooth hair on the whole body excepton the head and outer side of the ears and lower part of the legs.  The opening of the ears is protected by thick tuftd of hair

The neck: Framed by long and abundant hair forming a collarette

Tail: Hair is forming a plume

Forearm: On the rear side the long hairs form so-called fringes

Buttocks: Covered at the back with very long and abundant hair

B - Rough Hair:

Differs from the previous the the hair is not smooth but tousled, medium-long and more uniformly distributed.

Muzzle: must have furnishings

Tail: does not form a plume

C - Short Hair:

General characteristics: semi-short hair over the entire body, short on the head.

Neck: longer around the neck, forming a collarette

Buttocks:Covered at the back with longer hair, laid out in a line and inclining inwards

Tail: is ear of corn shaped


General Aspect: 10 points

Head: 9 points

Topline and Tail: 9 points

Chest and underline: 5 points

Extremities: 8 points

Coat: 9 points